One day, Brandon and I ventured to the Idaho Falls Public Library. While he was searching for books on how to master music, I was looking for murder mysteries! So we got home and he was reading his intellectual findings and i had an epiphany! You can learn things in the library! So on our next visit i checked out books regarding the art of photography. I learned that i know most of this stuff from all of the art classes i take and such, but i learned a lot of cool things! So here are some of the pictures i took from that venture. I cant wait to take more! 

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One Year.

Brandon and I are almost at the one year mark of knowing each other! The end of February marks the one year anniversary of meeting! Holy smokes! Anyways, thats some news. We have not been blogging very well, so i figured i would post this post, telling what has been going on! Brandon is working his full time job as a Car Rental Agent for National and Alamo, and i have been working part time and Pizza Hut. Brandon is trying to get a job out at the site, and if that ever happens life could be a little simpler!  We seem to be pretty busy lately, and we feel like we have been neglecting every other part of our lives! So we are trying to do better. Last Sunday we had to give talks in sacrament meeting about genealogy, and the week before that we had to pray in sacrament meeting. I have been worried that i would never feel at home in this ward, but after 6 months its starting to finally grow on me. If only it wasn't backwards church.
Brandon and I formed this little band called "Until Dawn". It seems to be pretty popular on myspace and such, and people have been asking us to play shows! Yikes, it kinda scares me. We played our first show at this little coffee shop called Dancing Dogs.
Anyways thats all we have been up to lately.

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